Sunday, May 13, 2012

Divine Blessings

So the divine touch of greater beings has affected me this week,
and I've decided to start a Chaos army...
I introduce to you, Hadadezer's Guilded Disciples
(Haa-duh-deh-zhur, just in case you were curious)
I have a paint scheme and badge made for them, now for the army list, fluffy bits, and the work of assembly and paint.

My first squad of Chaos marines

If you look in the right places, you'll probably notice they aren't all made of just chaos bits, I'm making these guys more of a recent addition to the forces of chaos, they haven't entirely converted their armor to the dark gods. I can now add one more project to my to-do list, I really need to work on my Sons of Medusa as well as the three armies that need to be painted, but that's for a different post i suppose, eh?


  1. Excellent, always up for seeing more CSM!

  2. Yay! You has been corrupted! I feel like death, don't think we can hang out today, sorry.

  3. Looking forward to seeing these guys painted!
