So the divine touch of greater beings has affected me this week,
and I've decided to start a Chaos army...
I introduce to you, Hadadezer's Guilded Disciples
(Haa-duh-deh-zhur, just in case you were curious)
I have a paint scheme and badge made for them, now for the army list, fluffy bits, and the work of assembly and paint.
My first squad of Chaos marines |
If you look in the right places, you'll probably notice they aren't all made of just chaos bits, I'm making these guys more of a recent addition to the forces of chaos, they haven't entirely converted their armor to the dark gods. I can now add one more project to my to-do list, I really need to work on my Sons of Medusa as well as the three armies that need to be painted, but that's for a different post i suppose, eh?